The Butler's guide to wine tasting

The three areas to look for, when tasting wine are: Smell, Sight( part one and part two) & Taste (part one and part two).
I advise you, to have these in mind, when trying any wine.

The more you practise, the better you will get. It is a personal thing, so there are no right or wrong answers; there is only your take on the wine. This is not a price thing, but a reflection on what you are drinking and what would be similar to drink or avoid in the future.

Over the weeks, I hope to develop this into a comprehensive page for all to use. The plan is to give you confidence, when drinking wine.


Looking Through Bare Branches said...

I want to thank you for posting these guides (as well as all your enjoyable reviews). I am slowly teaching myself about wine, and I found these an invaluable leg up on learning what to look for and how to talk about it. Many thanks!

I've been enjoying your blog very much, although I've only lurked til now, and look forward to more. Cheers!

The Oxford Butler said...

Hi Looking Through Bare Branches, thank you very much for your kind comment. It is great to hear that the blog is of some use to people.
You have inspired me, to pick up the pen again today.
Many thanks again.