Monday, 24 September 2012

Adult breaks in Ireland

Today finds me sitting at a desk, in a beautiful suite, in a Hotel in Dublin. I have a free day to do what I want and when. Just for four clear days, there are no kids, chores or DIY, just relaxing.

I should explain that every year, we are lucky enough to go on an "adult break". It is only made possible by my fantastic Parents-in-law, who look after the children. I think in the sitcom, "The Good Life", called it their Pagan Rite . A time to get dressed up, a time for posh frocks and pushing the boat out a little.

Our Pagan Rite, takes place at the end of the summer, when the schools are back and the nights are starting to noticeably draw in. We see it as a time to fall back in love with each other, to recharge our batteries and to see some more of the world. Normally a Capital city is chosen and the native Food and Drink are thoroughly explored.

I am grateful too, to another member of the family, who arranged for us to stay here and for getting us a suite. When we arrived, there was a bottle of pink Bubbly,chilling in a bucket. A huge surprise, that was quickly opened. A gentle wine from  the Soave region in Italy. There were wild strawberry and raspberry flavours on the nose and tongue. The name "Bis Bis" means encore, encore or again, we might just have to.

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